You can offer your customers access to leading entertainment platforms such as Netflix and Prime Video and a low-cost TV service. We take care of everything.
- Audiovisual offer to package with fibre and/or wifi services.
- Free TV: basic TV service with free linear TV and ad-supported movies and series on all your customers’ devices.
- Integration of local channels.
- Barker channel on dial #0 with your own content and promotions.
- Auto promotions on the interface managed by your marketing team.
- Easy evolution to an OTT pay TV service.

- Aggregating recommendations from all platforms into a single application, leveraging AI engines for content discovery.

- You can purchase an Android TV Set Top Box (STB) from TVUP with certification for the main OTT platforms: Netflix, Prime Video, Disney +, Max, etc.
- It is ideal to offer it in a renting model, or as part of a promotion to attract more customers to your fibre.
- It helps extend the use of your service by up to five hours a day, maximising its dependency on the whole family.
- It helps reduce churn by more than 5%.
- Includes complete remote control with direct access to Free TV, Netflix, Prime Video and YouTube APPs.
TVUP Connector

- On-premise server for private CDN.
- Optimised sizing according to the estimated volume of concurrent users: M, XL and XXL.
TVUP Balancer
- Overflow capacity to a public Multi CDN system.
- Maximum user satisfaction by avoiding network congestion due to audience peaks.

TVUP Player Reflector
- Eco-friendly: Optimises the distribution of content, minimising its carbon footprint.
- It is integrated into all the platform’s APPs.
- It reduces user access to the operator’s CDN by up to 50%.