Advertising revenue
- Earn additional revenue from your customers’ platform use with the help of our advertising infrastructure.
- We have all the technology and expertise to manage ad placements, and share a significant part of the revenue with the operator.
- We control the entire process from advertiser to publisher, through the Ad Server, DSP (Demand-Side Platform), Ad exchanges and the SSP (Supply-Side Platform).
- We can make use of different advertising positions: OSA, AVOD, FAST Channels, Ad replacement, and Display.

At all positions

AVOD (Ad-supported Video On Demand). We monetise with pre-, mid-, and post-roll advertising on content that the user consumes on-demand.
- OSA (On Screen Advertising). Advertising can be inserted in different positions in the interface. You can configure it flexiblely depending on the plan that the user has contracted.
- FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming TV). Include in your offer free linear channels that are monetised through dynamic advertising.
- Ad replacement. We have the technology to insert dynamic advertising into the breaks of broadcast channels.
- Display. Insertion of banner advertising in different parts of the interface, linked to video campaigns.

Request a demo
If you want to know more details about all our solutions and see how our app works, contact us and request a demo.